(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 2)[!][issue 1998-08].iso/CUCD/WWW/http/www.vulcan.co.uk/LOGOS/VUL-BIG.JPG)
February 1998
28th February 1998
Aaaargh! Everyone is screaming, `where is Genetic Species?`. The February launch has been temporarily delayed but only for a few more weeks. Genetic Species is now 99.9% complete and all that remains are some last minute sound effects and the translation into 17 languages. We are confident that a mid March release date will be achievable but you can Pre-order your copy of Genetic Species now to avoid a further wait.
20th February 1998
Wasted Dreams CDRom is now back on schedule. The DigitalFX team are busy rotor scoping the last few character animation's, meanwhile over 350Mb of digital actor speech is being recorded and implemented into this Gigantic Alien Adventure! Early indications show a possible May release date.
17th February 1998
The Genetic Species 300Mb intro Animation is complete! The visual content is outstanding and all at Vulcan are confident that it is the best 3D Animation anyone will ever see on their Amiga! Wow! now there's a statement!
14th February 1998
The Final Odyssey CDRom is proving to be an enormous challenge for gun crazy adventurers, do not fear the first part of its solution is now available.
1st February 1998
Due to being inundated with emails about Vulcans future plans we have released a lengthy statement to explain the Amiga situation in detail.
(c)1998 Vulcan Software Ltd.